He Has All The Answers
Friends, greetings in Jesus Name! Today I will be sharing with you on what I title, “He Has All The Answers”. Let me begin by saying that there is no problem of life that God cannot handle. He has all the answers to every challenge of life. He is a game changer that knows how to turn impossibilities to possibilities. Nothing dares God. Hallelujah! Today, many people are searching for answers to their various problems. You know, problems will always abound. In today’s world, having a ready answer to some problems doesn’t come cheaply. As such, many people would go to any length to have some of their problems solved. Unfortunately, in searching for answers to their problems, a lot of people focus on wrong places, and more often than not, they get themselves indulged into sinister activities that eventually hurt them, than helping them. Fortunately, there is only one person who has the answer to all our problems. He has never failed and can never fail. He is the sole solution to all the tragedies of mankind. His name is Jesus! He said, “Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). Yes, He specializes in giving rest to a famished soul that is being harassed and tormented by the devil. Many years ago, after my secondary school, I faced the most challenging moment of my life. In the entire SS3 students that sat for WAEC, my result including that of one other person did not come back. While some were jubilating for their WAEC results, others were not happy with theirs, but mine was totally withheld for just no reason. It became a huge worry for me and my family. I remember there was this voodoo doctor in my town, who gave me a stone to be licking morning and night. I discovered that the more I licked the stone, the more my result was being held bound. Nearly a month later, everyone had collected their result, mine was still not released. However, one of my sisters in the university visited home from school, and I narrated my ordeal to her. Being a more spiritual person, she told me about Jesus and the power of prayer. She instructed me to read Psalm 3 in the morning, Psalm 20 in the afternoon, and Psalm 27 in the evening. You know what, I threw the stone aside, and began to follow the steps she gave. Behold, after three days of embarking on the prayer, my WAEC result was released with flying colours. I sat for nine papers and cleared all nine in one sitting. Hallelujah! From that day I knew the power of what only God can do when we cast our burden to him.Listen, I don’t know the challenge you might be going through today. You know what? Jesus has all the answers you need to move you ahead in life. He knows what needs to be done to get you the breakthrough you desire. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Meaning, any other door, besides Him, will lead to nowhere but destruction. It’s only through Him that you can have true peace, joy, and have life in abundance (John 10:10). Therefore, I encourage you today to lay aside anything that stands as an alternative to Jesus in your life. There can never be a substitute for Jesus. Only Him died and rose again. We have never heard or seen anyone that has done so. Jesus is alive, seated on the throne, interceding for you and me. Embrace Him today, and your life will never remain the same again. Yes, I am a witness. Have a glorious week. With love, Elvis!