Get Rid of Offense
Friends, greetings in Jesus Name! Today, I will be sharing with you on what I title, “Get Rid of Offense”. Have you observed of late that people get easily offended and irritated. Even at little things that should not matter, they get so provoked and hurt to their soul. Beloved, we are in the last days. It’s not surprising at recent times to see a brother taking offence against his brother, sister against a sister, son against his father, mother against her daughter, wife against her husband, friends against each other, flocks against their Pastor, and so on. Really, there is no end to offences today. It has gotten so deep that the wound left behind is putrefying with terrible smell. Brethren, we are in the last days. The bible declares that perilous time shall come (2 Tim. 3:1). As a matter of fact, we are in it already. That’s why we see lots of people taking offense, and explosion of anger everywhere. Even believers in Christ gets so hurt and bitter at the slightest provocation. They hold grudge and bitterness against each other. Satan knows we cannot achieve anything meaningful if we’re not united as one. The Lord can only command his blessings upon us in an atmosphere of unity (Psalm 133). “A house divided against itself cannot stand” (Matt. 12:25). The bible declares in James 3:16, “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.” Listen, the easiest way or route to get heaven shut down against your prayers is take offense at others without letting go. Ephesians 4:26 says, “Be angry, and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your wrath.” I am sorry to say that many sun has been going down upon many offenses.
What does it mean to take offense? It means to, “Become angry or upset by something that another person has said or done.” Really, if not handled properly, offense can cause deep emotional pain or wounds. Some folks find it difficult to let go, especially if they have the right to be offended, and can justify it. But Jesus said to his disciples, “It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe to him, through whom they come” (Luke 17:1). You can’t avoid being irritated or offended by others. People close to you will always do one thing or the other that you don’t like, but how you handle it makes a whole lots of difference. Now, the Lord is calling our attention at this hour, to let go of every offense, bitterness, hatred, anger, and all works of the flesh that engenders demonic presence into our lives (Gal.5:19-26). A lot of times, the devil keep our focus against each other, while he sits somewhere, pulling the string, and officiating our fights with one another. It’s time to focus on our real enemy – Satan – and deal with him squarely. Today, brothers and sisters do not greet at church, yet they are there singing and raising their hands before God. The essence of going to church is not to go to a place where you can venge your wrath against one another; neither is it a place to display your talent or power. No! It’s a place to know God, grow spiritually, mature as believers, get transformed, and then change the world and turn it upside down for Christ (Acts 17:1-6). Hallelujah!
Years ago, I read a book by Pastor Rick Joyner, titled “The Final Quest”. The revelation in that book is mind blowing. The book has since been updated to a huge volume titled, “The Vision: The Final Quest and The Call”. Please, try lay hold on it. In the book, the author gave a succinct picture of how the enemy operates, especially against the naive believers in Christ. According to him, what the devil does is to dispatch his demons, each carrying a banner of offense, anger, bitterness, hatred, and so on. And when a demon of offense latches on a person, such an individual will be so offended at everyone around him or her. Accordingto Rick Joyner, these demons come in the firm of a vulture. What they do is to defecate and urinate on their victims, and whatever banner that demons carries – offense, bitterness, anger, or whatever it is – gets intensified and continue to latch on that person. And when they had succeeded in contaminating their victim, the vulture-like demons will pick the individual and take him or her away from their God-given assignment and purpose in life.
Beloved, it’s time to rebel against every work of the flesh, and the sin which so easily ensnares us (Hebrews12:1). The bible declares that, “We should give no place to the devil” (Eph.4:27); “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices” (1 Cor.2:11). We are in the days of God’s power. The Lord says in Joel 2:28, “I will pour out my spirit upon on all flesh.” The time is Now. It’s no longer tomorrow. Therefore, we cannot afford to be entangled or subjugated at this time by the spirit of offense. Let go of every offence, bitterness, unforgiveness, and anger against anyone. Remember, in a wrestling match, if you’re holding anyone down, you too are down with the person, as long as you’re holding him down. Likewise, if you’re harbouring offense, unforgiveness, bitterness and hatred against your fellow brother or sister, you’re holding yourself down as long as you refuse to let go. In fact, forget answers to your prayers (Mark 11:24-26). You spend more time in the wilderness of affliction, pain, lack, depression, and all manner of setbacks when you’re holding grudges, offense and bitterness against your fellow brother or sister. A lot of people are going through some terrible sicknesses that no medicine can cure, unless they release those they are holding in their hearts. I pray we will allow the Lord to circumcise our hearts, to enable us release anyone who might have offended us in Jesus Mighty Name. You are Blessed. Have a fantastic week. With love, Elvis!