The Burden Bearer
Friends, greetings in Jesus Name! Today, I will be sharing with you on what I title, “The Burden Bearer”. Growing up as a little boy in the village, it was common to find mad people on the streets or at the market. If you observed closely, there are many traits common with mad people, but one appears to be more outstanding and pathetic. You will notice them talking to themselves, dancing without music, chewing without food in their mouth, laughing with no one amusing them, looking haggard and tattered – and above all – always carrying something or weighed down by loads. Unfortunately, the load on them constitute a huge burden. If you also take a cursory look at them, you will discover that the load they carry are all filled with junk. Sometimes, I look at them with pity, and ask: Why don’t they drop this heavy burden of junk and have some rest. But painfully, you still find them picking and accumulating more junk to themselves. Someone may ask: Why this ugly occurrence? The answer is not far-fetched. It’s simply because they are mad. Yes, mad people are mad. What is Madness? According to the dictionary definition, “Madness is the state of having a serious mental illness, and extremely foolish behaviour. It is a state of wild or chaotic activity.” Indeed, many things can cause a person to go mad, but one worthy of note is “Oppression”.
Ecclesiastes 7:7 says, “Surely oppression makes a wise man mad.” Really, if a wise man can go mad, then the foolish will experience double madness. You know, not everyone you see walking on the street with good looks are normal. A lot of people you see today are oppressed and going through mental torture beyond description. The current pandemic or COVID-19 situation faced by the world today can make anyone go crazy. What do you tell a man who after spending three months in lockdown, had borrowed money from people with the hope to pay back on resumption at work, but only to receive a termination letter of employment, with debts and bills to settle? Really, if such a man does not anchor himself properly on God’s word, he will open the door to the sin of worry, anxiety, fear, apprehension, anger, bitterness, offence, self-guilt and condemnation, just name it. And all of these are by-products of demonic activities at work. You know, Jesus warned vehemently against worry and anxiety. He knew the devastating effect it can cause, if such door way is opened to the enemy to operate in our lives (Matt.6:25-34). Unfortunately, many today are saddened and ladened with burdens. They need to offload, take a break, and have rest.
But I have good news for you. Jesus is “The Burden Bearer”. There is no “Load or Burden” too big for him to carry. He is a Bulldozer that can Bulldoze any burden in your life. Why? It’s because if no one cares, he cares. “For he cares for YOU” (1 Peter 5:7). Jesus declared in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” I don’t care the burden pressing you down. If you can look up to Jesus, and scream with a loud voice like Blind Bartimaeus and say, “Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.” He will stand still for you, and offload that burden off your neck (Mark10:46-52). Remember, “It shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing”. It’s your hour of deliverance – yes – the day is today. Now, “Cast your burden on the Lord, and he shall deliver you” (Psalm 55:22). In my affliction, I cried out to Baba God, and he delivered me. Indeed, He will surely deliver you too, as you lift up your voice and eyes unto Him. Have the most glorious and jubilating week of your life in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen! With love, Elvis!